Sunday 21 April 2013


Harry Potter had a resurrection stone. Lazarus was a stiff for four days before Jesus told him to quit lollygagging and get out of his grave. Your man E.T. had several dozen doctors and Elliott around him. Neo had to be shot to death by Agent Smith before finally realising that the simulated four-dimensional reality of this world was in fact merely The Matrix. 

Me? I just created a new Google account.

No big deal, I know, but I kind of missed the expanse of digital white space that challenged me to write without fear, without limit, without any knowledge of where I was really going with it, and without expectation of others.

To those who may have known me on Multiply and Yahoo 360!, I hope to catch up with all your comings, goings, triumphs, trials and tribulations in the fullness of time.

I don't have any agenda, rules, expectations, or hopes. I just intend to write until something good starts coming out of my fingers other than bureaucracy and numbers.

"Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation.
~ Graham Greene